We idealize, design and develop solutions focused on the needs, desires and limitations of customers and users. We always try to understand all expectations before advocating the digital transformation of organizations centered on people and processes.
The process starts with the definition of a software development strategy with the selection of the most suitable frameworks, APIs to integrate and plugins to install. This is followed by a detailed survey of the specifications of each deliverable, the elaboration of a style guide and the development of its design prototypes, which serve as the basis for its programming. Thus beginning an interactive process of design, programming, testing and validation.
The development of applications, services, products, technologies, new business models and others begins with the analysis of the needs and desires of the customer and their teams, using empathy to hear, see and feel. After an understanding of the objectives and the vision to be achieved, the project vision is defined.
The most challenging phase of this process follows, since it involves interpreting the facts acquired in the empathy process, to define the work plan to be developed, the team and the costs involved. In this phase, the experience of SINMETRO's multidisciplinary team proposes the most agile and optimized directions.
Assuming that there are no perfect solutions, we still try to generate as much value as possible through the software, which is always developed based on the needs presented by the client. This is the phase of creativity, of thinking outside the box and letting the ideas flow.
Once the ideas are gathered, we develop a design prototype according to UI/UX (User Interface and User Experience) principles of the applications to be programmed. Since this prototype is fundamental to serve as a basis for software development, the interaction and proposed adjustments by the users are extremely valuable.
In an iterative process of idealization, prototyping, development and testing, the application is programmed, with a clear scission between testing and production environments. At this time, the software development strategy is defined, with the selection of agile, secure and robust frameworks that facilitate programming and ensure integration with other systems.